امروز سه شنبه 1 آبان 1403

دیسک سرامیکی و گرانیتی EHWA کره

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از 154 کاربر



نماینــــده رسمـــی محصـــــولات EHWA DIAMOND کـــــره جنــــوبــــی در ایــــــران



 دیسک های سرامیک بر , گرانیت بر , مرمریت بر , کاشی بر , آسفالت بر , شیشه بر , بتن بر , فیکرت و....


بـــــرای اطــــلاعــــات بیــــــشتر بـــــروی عکــــس هــــا کلیـــــک نمـــایـــیـــد


دیسک ehwa دیسک ehwa دیسک ehwa

گرانیت بر

سایلنت،نرمال و خشکه بر

سرامیک بر

کاشی،گرانیت،پرسلان و خشکه بر


سایلنت،نرمال و الماس پیوسته

دیسک ehwa دیسک ehwa دیسک ehwa
 آهن بر  شیشه بر  آسفالت بر
دیسک ehwa دیسک ehwa دیسک ehwa
بتن بر

پد پولیش





After obtaining the ISO 9001 certification in 1993, EHWA also acquired the ISO 14001 certification in 2002 as the first company in its industry.

دیسک ehwa
>> ISO 9001 certificate
>> ISO 14001 certificate

What is ISO 9001

The ISO 9001 certificate is issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) after a company successfully completes inspection conducted by an outside certification institute. A company must build a Quality Management System (QMS) which is comprised of a series of activities designed to ensure quality and consistency throughout the organization.

What is ISO 14001?

The ISO 14001 is also issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is awarded to companies that have successfully implemented an Environment Management System (EMS). The System consists of a series of processes designed to achieve given environmental policies and goals.























شرکت EHWA DIAMOND کره از سال 1975 تا 2015



Established in Seoul, Korea.


Facility moved to Osan, Korea


ISO9001 certified (TUV). Established plant in Fujian, China.
Awarded $50M Export Presidential Award.
Established plant in Weihai, China.
Awarded Gold Prize for product quality at World Best Awards.
Awarded Excellent Manufacturer by KMAC.
Awarded first prize in the 24th Productivity Competition.

Designated as a leading manufacturing company of world best products by the Korean government.

Established plant in Shanghai, China.
Acquired revised ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Designated as an Excellent R&D center in Korea.
oSa (Organization for the Safety of Abrasives) certified.


Acquired ISO 9001 at Weihai plant.
Awarded $70M Export Presidential Award.

Acquired revised ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Weihai plant in China oSa certified.
Awarded $100M Export Presidential Award.
Designated as “ Hidden Champion” by Export Import Bank.
Selected as "World Class 300"company by MKE.



برای سفارش کالا با شماره های  66736774 - 66736726  021 و برای استعلام قیمت با شماره فکس  66752806  021  اقدام فرمایید .


برای دریافت مشاوره و کسب اطلاعات فنی با شماره تماس 66724478  021  تماس حاصل فرمایید.





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